Monday, January 4, 2010


Last night I made this Chanel inspired agenda. I got the printie from Lena. The frame is by Simply Silver, the tiny box with the ring is by Cilla, I made the lotion box with swarovski crystals on the lid, and I bought the Chanel and Gucci perfume boxes at the Kensington Dollhouse festival. The agenda has white paper inside, but it doesn`t open. I glued the paper printie to very thin, soft leather (also bought at the Kensington Dollhouse festival).


  1. is fantastic, great results, congratulations and happy new year

  2. Otroligt vad fin din fiofax blev, är den öppningsbar också? Jag ska nog träna lite mer på mina... ;))


  3. Thank you very much, PAKY!

    Tusen takk, Lena. Nei, den kan ikke åpnes. Jeg vurderte det, men syntes den lå finere på bordet når den var limet igjen.
