Saturday, March 6, 2010

TV-programme about the dollhouse hobby

Here`s the link to a programme that was on Norwegian television today about dollhouses. They interview Caroline Hamilton, and Susan Mulvany and Kevin Rogers among others. I really enjoyed watching it. When opening the link, you have to fast forward a bit. The dollhouse programme comes after the "Heartbeat"-clip.


  1. We saw this programme last year in the UK. It's good, isn't it? I recorded it and pop back occasionally to watch it again. I've often thought a programme featuring specifically Mulvaney & Rogers would be good. Irene

  2. I watched it:) Great fun and also fun and relaxing to see that there are more of us with and ever extending amount of houses;) Lol.
    Thanks for the link Mimmi. Now I can watch it again.

  3. Det var et kjempe fint program! Vet du om det er flere episoder? Mine dukkehus ser jo ut som utedoer eller noe sånt i forhold...! :-)
