Sunday, February 7, 2010

My web page

These next months I am going to write a Bachelor paper at the University, in addition to reading a couple of books for another exam, taking care of my two kids, doing the things that needs to be done around the house, and now and then work as a temp in a bank. It`s going to be some busy months! And I just have to realize that I`ll have less time to make minis... So I won`t be updating my blog every day as I have done until now. But if I do have time for some minis, I will show you what I have done right away! Here`s my web page with lots of pictures of my dollhouses and miniatures to keep you occupied while I`m busy writing my paper. I am so looking forward to summer, when I have finished it!


  1. You are a super woman!!! ;)
    We will miss you. Good luck!

  2. Good luck with the exams Mimmi. Sometimes real life gets in the way and we just have to go with the flow. I'll be watching for blog updates as and when! Thanks for the link to your web page too.

  3. Wishing you good luck with your paper and work. I´m doing a lot of work that haven´t a bit to do with minis, so I know all about it. Looking forward to explore your web too..

  4. Lykke til med studiene Anne Mari, det er imponerende alt hva du får tid til!

  5. Take your time honey;) We will be here waiting for you:) We all have times in our life when things are stressful so I am sure everyone understands and can relate to it.
    (litt teit med engelsk, men greit at folk skjønner;)

  6. Good luck with your paper. Looking forward to hear from you again on the blog.

  7. A busy time coming up for you so very very best wishes with your studies! :)
